Wednesday, September 19, 2012


If you are planning to use ELMAH - Error Logging Modules and Handlers with your MVC application , I would like to recommend the following resources to assist you.

  • Logging Errors with ELMAH and MVC 3 - This is a great 5 part walk through of how to setup Elmah within your MVC 3 (and MVC 4) application and even includes a great way to log JavaScript errors as well. It covers the following:
    • Setup
    • Notifications
    • Filtering
    • HandleErrorAttribute
    • JavaScript
  • Elmah.MVC NuGet Package - "for painless integration of ELMAH into ASP.NET MVC". Provides the following:
    • Custom route and Handler (uses /elmah by default instead of /elmah.axd), but you can specify your own  as well.
    • Prebuilt HandleErrorAttribute
    • Supports both C# & VB.NET applications
    • Configurable authorization rules
So, if you are using ELMAH with ASP.NET MVC, please do yourself and favor and checkout these resources to make using ELMAH easier and better. And if you are not currently using ELMAH, I would urge to consider using it, as it provides easy and simple error logging for your MVC or WebForms ASP.NET applications. 

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