If you are doing any web development and have or will be implementing AJAX, you should check out the AJAX Patterns site for some good guidance. This Wiki site has a lot of great content and resources about AJAX, here is an excerpt from the site:
There are 70+ Ajax patterns here, most linking to the original draft version for the design patterns book. Foundational Technology Patterns are lower-level patterns and a suitable introduction for people learning Ajax for the first time. Programming Patterns explain how these components are combined in a maintainable, performant, manner. Functionality and Usability Patterns guide on user-interface and usability concepts. Development Process Patterns look at typical developer activities like testing and debugging.
There is also information about Frameworks, Tools, JavaScript, etc. Whether you are new to AJAX or a seasoned veteran, there is probably something new/useful that you can find at this site. Check it out.
P.S. - I found this site via July 2007 MSDN Magazine article, Cutting Edge: Context-Sensitive Feedback with AJAX by Dino Esposito.